The full spectrum of emotions. Contrasting feelings inhabit consumers’ personalities

The full spectrum of emotions. Contrasting feelings inhabit consumers’ personalities

The full spectrum of emotions. Contrasting feelings inhabit consumers’ personalities

Because of the severe consequences brought about by a crisis that encompasses health and economic challenges, increasing armed conflicts, and the devastating impacts of climate change, there is a growing interest in exploring paradoxical emotions. Consumers are drawn to this kind of attitude as a method to understand and confront the distressing aspects of reality. The increasing prevalence of content exploring dark topics serves as a way for individuals to navigate the entire spectrum of their feelings while building up a resilient shield able to elevate their concerns to collective wisdom.
Moreover, in a time of continual reinvention, the established constructs that define age, beauty, tastes, and culture are undergoing revision, updates, and becoming more blurred. This context makes the world often appear uncertain or tumultuous; consumers are employing dark content as a mechanism to process anxiety, regain a sense of control, and foster a deeper understanding of their identity and their collective belonging.

If, amid global challenges, on the one hand, consumers need to satisfy their yearning for joy and radical daydreaming through the products and experiences they purchase, on the other, it is fundamental for them to consider and experience each type of emotion. Only by addressing emotions like grief or anxiety can consumers pursue a higher understanding of them, fostering a level of co-compassion. The shared knowledge arrived at by individuals and groups through collective learning over time is subtly informing humankind's daily goals, making them inclined to protect and take care of collective and fundamental issues.


Credits: & @ai_dream_journey

The result of this conflicting process is now making consumers elevate dystopian content to a level of hope; they are infusing a sense of holistic thinking into what before was strikingly polarized. Contemporary consumers are slowly but increasingly fuelling dystopian content through concepts related to circularity and sustainability while exploring beauty ideals under the light of AI, avatar aesthetics, and more semi-permanent procedures. What before appeared to be contrasting is now becoming an imminent new singularity inhabiting consumers' personalities.


Credits: @ai_dream_journey

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